In this very special edition of Beyond the Singlet we are joined by Liv Reburn. Liv joined Richmond Harriers in 2021 and has become a core member of the club ever since. A dedicate trainer and racer, Liv has also become an active member of the club’s committee, championing our community engagement activities and being an friendly and inclusive friend to new members.
Liv will sadly be leaving us to return to the States shortly, but managed to squeeze in some time to reflect on their journey as a runner beforehand. Welcome Liv!

How did you get into running?
As a kid I was not naturally athletic but loved playing sports and being outside. Soccer, t-ball, basketball, volleyball-I was terrible at them all. Uncoordinated, easily distracted, unable to follow rules and socially awkward, I was always picked last or 2nd string on teams. It was discouraging and frustrating. I never felt good enough.
In middle school gym class, it was a requirement to run a mile to pass. It seemed impossible to run that far, but once I started those four laps around the track, I finally felt like I was good at something. There were no complex rules and social cues to navigate, no balls to catch or pressure to make decisions, just move forward. I finished first in 8 minutes 3 seconds.
The high school athletics coach happened to be there that day, and invited me to come out for summer training ahead of the fall cross country season. I was 13, and less than six months later I ran the mile in under 6 minutes. I have been running for over 20 years now!
How did you come to join Richmond Harriers?
Although I have always preferred to run alone, I wanted to find a local running group that would push me (in a supportive way) out of my lockdown routine (daily 6km loop around East Melbourne)
I wanted to improve my fitness and possibly get back into competition, but was intimidated by athletics clubs. I was also hoping to connect with the running community and get to know my neighborhood.
I googled “running clubs near me” and found the Richmond Harriers based a couple blocks from home. It took me a few months to work up the courage, but in January 2021 I ran my first Wednesday evening 6km with Max and Anne. I’ve been a member since then!
What have been your favourite memories from your time with the club?
Sunday trail runs at Lysterfield – I looked forward to these runs over the last few summers. I love the ritual of waking up at sunrise, stopping for a cheap servo coffee on the way out, playing car trivia or cricket chat with Joji and Sam, starting out the run in cool morning air and sprinting after MJ the last 4km as the day heats up. And cooling down with a fresh apple juice from the orchard cafe. The best way to spend a Sunday!
Other favorite memories are of post-parkrun coffees at Studley Grounds with Jim, Ron, Kevin, Max, Tom, Kay, Anne and friends. I’m going to miss the banter!
You will sadly be leaving us at the start of November, what are your plans for when you return to the US?
When I arrive I’ll be staying at a nice hotel for a few nights, eating everything from the Bojangles menu, and arriving at my mom’s home in Carteret County, North Carolina, just in time to vote on Election Day. In November I will be visiting friends, attending a wedding, figuring out how to get health insurance and planning a trip to Central America. And of course I will be running and cycling around coastal NC roads and trails
Outside of running what will you take from your time in Australia?
About 2m³ of worthless but sentimental stuff I’ve accumulated over the last 8 years, a few tattoos, a lot more grey hair, a chaotic CV, and permanent residency.
Figuratively I’m taking a lot of beautiful memories of places and people, friendships with people from all over the world, gender affirmation, and a deeper knowledge of Australia’s First Nations history and cultures.
I hope I’m not just taking but leaving something behind. I have always tried to align my actions with my values, so I hope I’ve given a little back, especially to the running community.
What’s your favourite running distance / event?
Trail half marathon, 8km XCR
Do you have a running idol / mentor that inspires you?
So many, but to name a few: Nikki Hiltz, Sifan Hassan, Faith Kipyegon, Cal Calamia, Grace Tame, Alexi Pappas and Christine Mboma.
Headphones or no headphones when running? If yes, what three songs we would find on your playlist?
Headphones! I mostly listen to podcasts and audiobooks while running, recently listening to The Rest is History, Revisionist History and audiobook Thatcher’s Spy.
For races I create specific playlists for each “phase” of the race to help me keep pace and motivation, and line up with my goal time.
A random selection from my Melbourne half marathon playlist:
- This Modern Love – Bloc Party
- Norf Norf – Vince Staples
- Escapism – RAYE, 070 Shake
- The Difference – Flume, Toro y Moi
What is your favourite running book / podcast?
- The Other Olympians by Michael Waters
- What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
- Tested (CBC)
- Nobody Asked Us with Des Linden and Kara Goucher
What running event is top of your bucket list?
The Tarawera Ultra-Trail in New Zealand and the Berlin Marathon.
1 Comment
Max Giblett · October 30, 2024 at 12:06 am
Liv it has been a pleasure to have your company during your time with us, you have become an integral member of the Richmond Harriers!!!